Event Registration:

HFCAS Webinar: Hydrogen Qualities and Purification Methods

Attendee Information

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Personal Data Consent

  1. Your personal data will be used for all intents and purposes in relation to the processing for 
  2. HFCAS Webinar: Hydrogen Qualities and Purification Methods organised by Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association of Singapore (HFCAS) and ON2Quest to meet the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 ("PDPA") statutory obligation but not limited to marketing and promoting other events, seminars, workshops, conferences, and training programmes that are offered from time to time.
  3. This webinar will be recorded for safekeeping and audit purposes.
  4. HFCAS may also retain and continue to process your personal data for all intents and purposes unless you request in writing to HFCAS at hanming.koh@hfcas.org to withdraw your consent.
  5. Upon withdrawal, your personal data would be kept in archived and remain in process for audit purposes.
  6. In some circumstances, you may have provided personal data relating to other individuals. You represent and warrant that you are authorised to provide their personal data to us, and you have obtained their consent to the collection, use, disclosure, and processing of their Personal Data in accordance with this Personal Date Consent.
  7. If you have registered your Singapore telephone number(s) with the Do-Not-Call Registry and wish to withhold or withdraw your consent to HFCAS in respect of receiving telephone calls and/or SMS, you endeavour to provide sufficient notice to HFCAS of such as soon as reasonably practicable. You further agree to indemnify HFCAS against any financial penalties imposed by the Personal Data Protection Commission or any court of law in Singapore as a direct or indirect result of your failure to inform HFCAS of your registration with the Do-Not-Call Registry.
  8. By agreeing to the Personal Data Protection - Consent, your personal data collected in this form is processed, retained, and used by HFCAS in compliance with the HFCAS Personal Data Protection Policy. For more information on HFCAS's Personal Data Protection Policy, please visit HFCAS' website at: https://www.hfcas.org/pdp-policy

Disclaimer Regarding Audio/Video Recording of HFCAS Webinar: Hydrogen Qualities and Purification Methods organised by Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Association of Singpore (HFCAS) & ON2Quest.

  • When you participate in "HFCAS Webinar: Hydrogen Qualities and Purification Methods" organised Hydrogen and HFCAS & ON2Quest. where video and audio recording will occur.

  • By participating in said Workshop you give us your consent to interview(s), photography, audio recording, video recording and its/their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for news, webcasts, promotional purposes, telecasts, advertising, inclusion on web sites, or for any other purpose(s) that HFCAS, its vendors, partners, affiliates and/or representatives deem fit to use. You release HFCAS, its officers, employees, each, and all personnel involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitising and/or publication of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or sound recordings.

  • By attending the Workshop, you waive all rights you may have to any claims for payment or royalties in connection with any exhibition, streaming, webcasting, televising, or other publication of these materials, regardless of the purpose or sponsoring of such exhibiting, broadcasting, webcasting, or other publication irrespective of whether a fee for admission or sponsorship is charged. You also waive any right to inspect or approve any pictures, photos, screenshots, video, or audio recording taken by the person or entity designated to do so by HFCAS.

  • In addition, the Workshop will be monitored for unauthorised recording. By attending the said Workshop, you agree not to record or digitise any parts of the presentation. If you attempt to use a recording device, you consent to your immediate removal from the platform, as well as the unauthorised recording from said device. 

  • You have been fully informed of your consent, waiver of liability, and release before participating "HFCAS Webinar: Hydrogen Qualities and Purification Methods".

By clicking on the "CONTINUE" button, you declare your consent to the HFCAS's Personal Data Consent and Disclaimer Regarding Audio/Video Recording. 

Contact Person

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Event Room

All attendees will automatically be part of the online event room and be able to view community profiles.